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Journal Publications
Gal Amram, Yair Ashlagi, Amir Rubin, Yotam Svoray, Moshe Schwartz, and Gera Weiss. An efficient
shift rule for the prefer-max De Bruijn sequence. Discrete Mathematics, 342(1):226-232, 2019.
Uri Abraham and Gal Amram. Two-process synchronization. Theoretical Computer Science, 688:2-23, 2017.
Conference Publications
Gal Amram, Dor Ma'ayan, Shahar Maoz, Or Pistiner and Jan Oliver Ringert. Triggers for reactive synthesis specifications. In 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), to appear. ACM, 2023.
Gal Amram, Shahar Maoz, Itai Segall, and Matan Yossef. Dynamic update for synthesized GR(1) controllers. In 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pages 786-797. ACM, 2022.
Gal Amram, Shahar Maoz, Or Pistiner, and Jan Oliver Ringert. Efficient algorithms for omega-regular energy games. In 24th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM), pages 163-181. Springer, 2021. (slides)
Gal Amram, Suguman Bansal, Dror Fried, Lucas Martinelli Tabajara, Moshe Vardi, and Gera Weiss. Adapting behaviors via reactive synthesis. In 33rd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), pages 870-893. Springer, 2021. (slides)
Gal Amram, Shahar Maoz, and Or Pistiner. GR(1)*: GR(1) specifications extended with existential guarantees. In 23rd International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM), pages 83-100. Springer, 2019. (slides)
Gal Amram. The F-snapshot problem. In 23rd International Colloquium on Structural Information
and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), pages 159–176. Springer, 2016. (slides)
Uri Abraham and Gal Amram. On the mailbox problem. In 18th International Conference on
Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS), pages 453–468. Springer, 2014. (slides)
Gal Amram. On the signaling problem. In 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing
and Networking (ICDCN), pages 44–65. Springer, 2014. (slides)
In Preparation
Gal Amram, Amir Rubin, and Gera Weiss. A Cycle Joining Construction of the Prefer-Max De Bruijn Sequence.arXiv:2104.02999, 2021. (Submitted to Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A)
Gal Amram, Amir Rubin, Yotam Svoray, and Gera Weiss. De Bruijn Sequences: From Games to Shift-Rules to a Proof of the Fredricksen-Kessler-Maiorana Theorem. arXiv1805.02405v3, 2020. (Submitted to Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A)
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